June 2023

  • Justine presented her research project at the ARTNet meeting. Congratulations!
  • Research paper accepted! Our investigation on the role of PKM2 in rewiring glucose metabolism to induce an antioxidant response and radiation resistance in glioblastoma, has been accepted in Neuro-Oncology.
  • Congratulations to Sumitra and Brooke on their graduation! Farewell and good luck!

May 2023

  • Congratulations to Dr. Vlashi for winning the UCLA Faculty Mentor Award!
  • Congratulations to Sumitra for winning the Science Dean's Prize at the Undergraduate Research and Creativity Showcase!
  • Lubna presented her research project at the LABEST 2023! Congratulations!
  • Brooke, Hanna and Sumitra presented their research projects during the UCLA Undergraduate Research Week. Congratulations!
  • Justine presented her research project during the JCCC Annual Retreat. Congratulations!
  • Welcome to the Vlashi lab new News section! :-)


UCLA JCCC News: UCLA early career scientist receives prestigious recognition